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Story 1

Consumers that
drink more styles

drink more beer

Brewers Association 2019 Beer Styles Guidelines

IRI National Consumer Panel, Total US MULO, 52 weeks ending 11-3-2019

beer liters per capita.png

Beer liters per capita by number of styles of beer
a consumer drinks

Story 2

Not only that,
they also

spend more
in the category


Annual Beer Spend

: Numerator Receipt-level panel data, year ending 12-31-19

Story 3

Accounts that sell more styles,
sell more beer

without expanding their offerings

POCs w/ Similar Size and Net Revenue
make more on beer with more styles



POCS Leading By Style have +8.9% greater
Beer Revenue contribution

Story 4

Leverage your
Tap Handles

appropriately to
maximize your sales

In an independent study, bars with
14-18 taps and 7-9 styles
see a spike in revenue.

13 Styles and 35 Taps maximizes returns

BeerBoard draft style study 2,164 accounts



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